Six month
Egentligen har jag inte jättemycket att säga idag men eftersom att jag firar ett halvår i Australien idag så tyckte jag de passade bra med ett inlägg :)
Tråkigt väder idag också, grått och regningt. Skulle egentligen ha träffat Johanna men hon hade det för stressigt så vi bestämde att ta det någon annan dag istället. Blev att åka till gymmet och leka biff istället, mycket roligare än att bara vara hemma hela dan ;)
Såå, sex månader alltså, känns lite galet, det är en ganska lång tid :o. Men det är 6 månader som betyder väldigt mycket för mig och sex månader som ingen kan ta ifrån mig <3. Ett äventyr är då vad det har varit och det är inte slut än =)
Gammal bild från min 18-årsdag :) länge sen ju :o
Kram ! /sandra
Tråkigt väder idag också, grått och regningt. Skulle egentligen ha träffat Johanna men hon hade det för stressigt så vi bestämde att ta det någon annan dag istället. Blev att åka till gymmet och leka biff istället, mycket roligare än att bara vara hemma hela dan ;)
Såå, sex månader alltså, känns lite galet, det är en ganska lång tid :o. Men det är 6 månader som betyder väldigt mycket för mig och sex månader som ingen kan ta ifrån mig <3. Ett äventyr är då vad det har varit och det är inte slut än =)
Gammal bild från min 18-årsdag :) länge sen ju :o
Kram ! /sandra
Slå ifrån min egen glöd
Söndag i bilder:
Blev beachen igen med Marlene :)
Sen drog vi in till stan för att vänta på Mickael så vi kunde planera Tasmanien !
Här har ni biblioteket i Melbourne :)
Blev en sväng till Chapel street också med Mickael, hans kompis Tony och Martin. Mycket svenskt den här helgen ! hmm kanske lite för mycket ?
När vi satt inne på en bar på Chapel street så började det regna och nu har det typ regnat hela tiden i ett dygn. Aja helgen var ju bra iaf =)
Nu fick jag lust att skriva lite saker som jag saknar med att vara hemma i Sverige:
Blev beachen igen med Marlene :)
Sen drog vi in till stan för att vänta på Mickael så vi kunde planera Tasmanien !
Här har ni biblioteket i Melbourne :)
Blev en sväng till Chapel street också med Mickael, hans kompis Tony och Martin. Mycket svenskt den här helgen ! hmm kanske lite för mycket ?
När vi satt inne på en bar på Chapel street så började det regna och nu har det typ regnat hela tiden i ett dygn. Aja helgen var ju bra iaf =)
Nu fick jag lust att skriva lite saker som jag saknar med att vara hemma i Sverige:
- Förutom min underbara familj och vänner så saknar jag mina missar Kia och Nowa otroligt mycket. Jag önskar att min värdfamilj hade något husdjur, visst dom har ju hönsen men vi har inte riktigt varit bästa kompisar sen jag kom hit :p men nu har jag iaf lärt mig att klappa dom ! våran relation blir bättre och bättre :)
- Myskvällar med familj/vänner. Bara åka till Hemmakväll och köpa en fet godispåse och hyra filmer och mysa ner sig i soffan tillsammans. Jag har inte haft en riktigt myskväll på ett halvår :o
- Äta middag med min familj, både hemma och ute !
- Hämta mat på pizzerian VARJE fredag !
- Springa i Mellsta med min pappa. Hittar typ aldrig någon motivation till att springa här, tkr det bara är tråkigt så då går jag hellre till gymmet som är mycket roligare !
- Kolla på TV i mitt vardagsrum. TV-kanalerna här är inte mycket att hänga i julgranen. På tal om julgranar så tog min värdfamilj ner sin julgran igår ;p, hehe precis som hemma ! (Mamma och pappa har ni tagit ner den än ?)
- Att bara hänga hemma hos någon kompis, alltid när jag träffar kompisar här så går man ut någonstans.
- Att bara kunna cykla om man ska någonstans !
Det var några saker som jag kom på nu. Sen när jag kommer till Sverige igen kommer jag ju sakna massa saker här, de vet jag ju .. Det är nog omöjligt att vara 100 % nöjd !
Men jag är glad över att jag iallafall har lite tid kvar här, jag är inte redo att åka hem än. Det kände jag i lördags...
Jag har för mycket tankar för tillfället. Jag tänker för mycket.
Förresten, om det är någon som vill se videos härifrån så får ni berätta hur man lägger upp videoklipp för jag vte ju inte hur man gör (haha sämst jag är :p) och jag är för lat för att ta reda på det. Min och Marlenes videobloggar äger ;)
Ha en finfin vecka :) /sandra
För ett halvår sen satt jag mig på planet !
It's been a bit quite here for a while now, sorry about that !
Work as usual and then I met up with my finish friend Mia. My hostmum drove us to the city and there we visited Joint bar. We didn't stayed that long but decided to take a walk around the city, that was nice too :). Good day with hot weather !
Me and Mia went to St Kilda beach and after a while Marlene joined us. Even hotter this day I think so it was perfect to be at the beach so we could be able to swim !
Then I hade to work for a few hours because my hostparents were going out for dinner. Marlene came with me and we cooked a successful dinner for us, Janet and Jordan. Before Janet and Jordan were going to bed we played outside with a ball for a while, that was hot but also fun, strange how a ball can be so much fun !
When Ann and Scott came back Scott gave us a ride to St Kilda to a swedish BBQ thing at the beach. I didn't thought it would but it felt so strange to be around so many swedes ..
After that we saw pinguins and took a night dip (?) :). Then we ended up on Chapel street where we stayed rest of the night.
A really good day !
The day
The night, yeah my iphone camera is soo good ..
Hmm, me and Marlene made a video that I was going to show you but I don't know how to do it ;p haha ..
It's a lovely day today as well ! hopefully something fun happens !
Work as usual and then I met up with my finish friend Mia. My hostmum drove us to the city and there we visited Joint bar. We didn't stayed that long but decided to take a walk around the city, that was nice too :). Good day with hot weather !
Me and Mia went to St Kilda beach and after a while Marlene joined us. Even hotter this day I think so it was perfect to be at the beach so we could be able to swim !
Then I hade to work for a few hours because my hostparents were going out for dinner. Marlene came with me and we cooked a successful dinner for us, Janet and Jordan. Before Janet and Jordan were going to bed we played outside with a ball for a while, that was hot but also fun, strange how a ball can be so much fun !
When Ann and Scott came back Scott gave us a ride to St Kilda to a swedish BBQ thing at the beach. I didn't thought it would but it felt so strange to be around so many swedes ..
After that we saw pinguins and took a night dip (?) :). Then we ended up on Chapel street where we stayed rest of the night.
A really good day !
The day
The night, yeah my iphone camera is soo good ..
Hmm, me and Marlene made a video that I was going to show you but I don't know how to do it ;p haha ..
It's a lovely day today as well ! hopefully something fun happens !
3 month and 1 day, crazy ..
Hey hey hey (we don't give a .. ) - the second best song at the gym at the moment ;) Summer paradise - Simple plan still has the lead !
Speaking of music .. A couple of days ago I listened to the swedish song "Äckligt" because I thought it seemed like it was pretty big in Sweden at the moment. I'm just saying HAHA, I'm glad I'm not in Sweden ;)
Okey enough with that .. I was out on saturday, it's was nice. But we went to a place where we had to pay entrance (15 dollar) but perhaps sometimes it worth to pay, not too often though. There're good places where you can go for free to !
Yesterday (sunday) I met up with Laura and her boyfriend Max. We didn't do that much, walked around at a market in the city and sat down on a blanket next to the river. I was tired after just a few hours sleep so it was nice :). After that I spent some time with Marlene and Daniel, we ate food and took a walk to a park ! That was nice too.
There's some pictures from the weekend
Speaking of music .. A couple of days ago I listened to the swedish song "Äckligt" because I thought it seemed like it was pretty big in Sweden at the moment. I'm just saying HAHA, I'm glad I'm not in Sweden ;)
Okey enough with that .. I was out on saturday, it's was nice. But we went to a place where we had to pay entrance (15 dollar) but perhaps sometimes it worth to pay, not too often though. There're good places where you can go for free to !
Yesterday (sunday) I met up with Laura and her boyfriend Max. We didn't do that much, walked around at a market in the city and sat down on a blanket next to the river. I was tired after just a few hours sleep so it was nice :). After that I spent some time with Marlene and Daniel, we ate food and took a walk to a park ! That was nice too.
There's some pictures from the weekend
Bara så ni vet så hade jag namnsdag igår ;D
It's sunny today and I wanted to go to the beach but I couldn't find a friend who wanted to come with me .. other plans or too busy :(. I spent one hour in Andersons park which is next to the house and I went to gym, again. Yeah I also took a walk to Coles to by juice ;). So the day wasn't really what I had hope it to be but it was okey, anyway I'm going out tonight :) with some swedish girls I've never met before (yep Swedes loves Melbourne, there's hipes of them here). I think it will be fun, we're going to Johannas house first and then to the city I guess !
A bit cooler in the shade :)))
So I went to the movies yesterday with Daniel, we saw The Vow. Not the best movie I've ever seen but it was worthwhile to see it ! I liked it. And the actors.
Like I told you I was suppose to go out afterwards, but none of us felt like it so we took a walk to explore the city a little bit more. There's so much I haven't seen in Melbourne ! I took the last tram home so I was in bed about 2 o'clock and despite this I woke up a little bit after 9 today, strange, I can never sleep long at the weekends.
Finally have me and Marlene booked the flight to Tasmania :D My german friend Laura and her boyfriend is coming with us as well. And maybe Michael, I'm not sure. So we're leaving on March 8 and coming back to Melbourne March 11 :) Wihoo !
Now I want the time to get a little bit more so I can start to walk to Johannas house ( she lives close from here (y)) I'm bored.
I think I keep up this blog very well !
xoxo /sandra
A bit cooler in the shade :)))
So I went to the movies yesterday with Daniel, we saw The Vow. Not the best movie I've ever seen but it was worthwhile to see it ! I liked it. And the actors.
Like I told you I was suppose to go out afterwards, but none of us felt like it so we took a walk to explore the city a little bit more. There's so much I haven't seen in Melbourne ! I took the last tram home so I was in bed about 2 o'clock and despite this I woke up a little bit after 9 today, strange, I can never sleep long at the weekends.
Finally have me and Marlene booked the flight to Tasmania :D My german friend Laura and her boyfriend is coming with us as well. And maybe Michael, I'm not sure. So we're leaving on March 8 and coming back to Melbourne March 11 :) Wihoo !
Now I want the time to get a little bit more so I can start to walk to Johannas house ( she lives close from here (y)) I'm bored.
I think I keep up this blog very well !
xoxo /sandra
Dax för helg igen !
Hallå !
Fredag idag och jag har hunnit med gymmet och en powernap och snart ska jag jobba några timmar och sen är jag redo för helg :D. Känner mig väldans sällskapssjuk efter att ha jobbat en hel veckan och inte träffat några kompisar. Visst jag gillar att gå till gymmet och mitt jobb är ganska chill men det ska bli skönt att få göra nått annat i par dagar :). Ikväll väntas bio och efter det utgång (som dom flesta helgerna nu för tiden). Jag hade velat åka till beachen någon dag den här helgen fast vädret ser inte så lysande ut (under 20 grader och lite moln och regn), fast det här är ju Melbourne så vädret kan bli lite hur som helst !
Obs ! spännisbild !
Bilden är från gymmet så musklerna är pumpade och jag spänner mig också .. så i verkligheten ser jag mkt klenare ut :( tycker jag iaf
Glad och svettig, så som det ska vara !
Nu måste jag springa och hämta upp tjejerna från skolan. Chip chop ! (som jag alltid säger till J och J när dom måste skynda sig)
Ha en underbar helg :) Kram ! /sandra
Fredag idag och jag har hunnit med gymmet och en powernap och snart ska jag jobba några timmar och sen är jag redo för helg :D. Känner mig väldans sällskapssjuk efter att ha jobbat en hel veckan och inte träffat några kompisar. Visst jag gillar att gå till gymmet och mitt jobb är ganska chill men det ska bli skönt att få göra nått annat i par dagar :). Ikväll väntas bio och efter det utgång (som dom flesta helgerna nu för tiden). Jag hade velat åka till beachen någon dag den här helgen fast vädret ser inte så lysande ut (under 20 grader och lite moln och regn), fast det här är ju Melbourne så vädret kan bli lite hur som helst !
Obs ! spännisbild !
Bilden är från gymmet så musklerna är pumpade och jag spänner mig också .. så i verkligheten ser jag mkt klenare ut :( tycker jag iaf
Glad och svettig, så som det ska vara !
Nu måste jag springa och hämta upp tjejerna från skolan. Chip chop ! (som jag alltid säger till J och J när dom måste skynda sig)
Ha en underbar helg :) Kram ! /sandra
Summer paradise
Yo !
Right now I'm sitting in my chilly room drinking coke with ice, puh it's hot outside ! I don't yearn for the winter to come :( . But I think March is a summermonth here as well ! and then the first week in April I'm going to Queensland which is a bit hotter then here :). I suppose I have to by a jacket when I'm coming back ..
So how was your Valentine's Day ?
Mine was pretty good even though I spend it alone. I was suppose to meet up with Liv on the day but she changed her mind or something, I don't know .. Janet and Jordan had their first swimminglesson after school so Scott showed me how to get to the swimmingpool and then he said that I could take the rest of the day off ! I did two failed attemps to find a friend to go to the movies with but after that my motivation was gone and it was also too late to find someone :p. Instead I decided to take a walk to the gym, my best friend here Never let me down :)
I don't know why but I've been feeling very happy this week, perhaps for the good weather ? :D hope it lasts to the weekend !
Since I came home from Thailand last year my legs are getting brown easier than the rest of my body, before it was the opposite .. isn't it weird ?
Hehe, there you can also see my 2-dollars thongs ;D I wear them every day !
Take care, xoxo :) /sandra
Right now I'm sitting in my chilly room drinking coke with ice, puh it's hot outside ! I don't yearn for the winter to come :( . But I think March is a summermonth here as well ! and then the first week in April I'm going to Queensland which is a bit hotter then here :). I suppose I have to by a jacket when I'm coming back ..
So how was your Valentine's Day ?
Mine was pretty good even though I spend it alone. I was suppose to meet up with Liv on the day but she changed her mind or something, I don't know .. Janet and Jordan had their first swimminglesson after school so Scott showed me how to get to the swimmingpool and then he said that I could take the rest of the day off ! I did two failed attemps to find a friend to go to the movies with but after that my motivation was gone and it was also too late to find someone :p. Instead I decided to take a walk to the gym, my best friend here Never let me down :)
I don't know why but I've been feeling very happy this week, perhaps for the good weather ? :D hope it lasts to the weekend !
Since I came home from Thailand last year my legs are getting brown easier than the rest of my body, before it was the opposite .. isn't it weird ?
Hehe, there you can also see my 2-dollars thongs ;D I wear them every day !
Take care, xoxo :) /sandra
1 year ago
Idag är det inte vilken dag som helst utan det är nämligen Alla hjärtans dag ! (som ni kanske vet)
Jag skickar miljoner pussar och kramar till er hemma i sverige (Elin, till dej också såklart i Chicago !) och önskar er en underbar dag =)
Jag har börjat min dag med en promenad och en mumsig frukost ! Snart ska jag gå till Camberwell och träffa Liv en sväng innan det är dax att hämta upp tjejerna från skolan :)
2 helt underbara och minnesvärda dagar <3 ! Massa kärlek till er
Kram :) /sandra
Jag skickar miljoner pussar och kramar till er hemma i sverige (Elin, till dej också såklart i Chicago !) och önskar er en underbar dag =)
Jag har börjat min dag med en promenad och en mumsig frukost ! Snart ska jag gå till Camberwell och träffa Liv en sväng innan det är dax att hämta upp tjejerna från skolan :)
2 helt underbara och minnesvärda dagar <3 ! Massa kärlek till er
Kram :) /sandra
Let it rock !
Yesterday when I came back home from St kilda festival and the city I was exhausted ! I haven't been able to sleep so much this weekend and also I had a soar throat. When my alarm clock rang this morning I just wanted to stay in my bed .. but now I feel much better =). Me, Marlene and Michael have been planning our trip to Tasmania, hopefully we're going there in March. I have to talk to my hostparents before we book something though. But they're so nice to me so I'm sure we will figure out something good :)
St Kilda festival was actually pretty big ! so many people there. It felt like Peace and love :).I yearn for the swedish summer, it will be awesome !
In about a week, the au pair to our neighbours next door arriving. I'm looking forward to see her :) hopefully she's nice ! I think she's from France or something.
Me and Liv on friday night :). Before she lived less than 2 minutes away from me but now she's moved to another family further away .. but I think I will visit her tomorrow on the day :)
Well that's it ! have a nice week :) /sandra
St Kilda festival was actually pretty big ! so many people there. It felt like Peace and love :).I yearn for the swedish summer, it will be awesome !
In about a week, the au pair to our neighbours next door arriving. I'm looking forward to see her :) hopefully she's nice ! I think she's from France or something.
Me and Liv on friday night :). Before she lived less than 2 minutes away from me but now she's moved to another family further away .. but I think I will visit her tomorrow on the day :)
Well that's it ! have a nice week :) /sandra
What a night
Utgång på fredag och utgång på lördag,eller ja utgången igår vet jag väl inte riktigt om man kan kalla en utgång. Började med att jag fick vänta i enoch en halvtimme i stan på att Marlene och Daniel skulle kkomma eftersom att dom missade sitt sista tåg. När dom väl kom så¨gick vi till Joint bar men jag tror inte riktigt någon av oss var så peppade så vi stannade inte där speciellt länge. Ganska onödig kväll för min del egentligen men trots allt så var det nog bättre än att sitta hemma och uggla :)
Idag blire St Kilda festival. Ska vara en ganska stor musikfestival =)
Min familj är bäst och jag saknar Thailand ! <3
Idag blire St Kilda festival. Ska vara en ganska stor musikfestival =)
Min familj är bäst och jag saknar Thailand ! <3
Friday again !
I think I'm pretty good at updating this blog :) hmm, to much spare time ? well I'm not complaining !
Tonight I'm going out, with germans or swedes (or maybe both), I don't know yet. We'll see later :) but actually it's pretty late now (10 to 9). I really hope it doesn't starts to rain ! it ruins so much :(
Tomorrow I'm not sure what I shall do, probably sleep and at seven I'll start to work. But I want to do something before that..
On sunday it's St Kilda festival so me and a girl from Canada that I met once before are going there to have a look :)
I suppose I should start to walk to the tram soon .. Have a great weekend =) xoxo /sandra
My last night out in Brisbane ! Me and some classmates :)
Tonight I'm going out, with germans or swedes (or maybe both), I don't know yet. We'll see later :) but actually it's pretty late now (10 to 9). I really hope it doesn't starts to rain ! it ruins so much :(
Tomorrow I'm not sure what I shall do, probably sleep and at seven I'll start to work. But I want to do something before that..
On sunday it's St Kilda festival so me and a girl from Canada that I met once before are going there to have a look :)
I suppose I should start to walk to the tram soon .. Have a great weekend =) xoxo /sandra
My last night out in Brisbane ! Me and some classmates :)
Wild young and free
Hey swedes :) how are you ?
I'm fine, started the day with a trip to the gym and then back home to make some lunch. I decided to eat it outside in the sun so I could enjoy the sun for a while .. the forecast says that it's going to be rainy and cold the rest of this week and next week as well I think :( . Even in the middle of the summer it can be a bit cold here in Melbourne (which is the coldest city in Aus like I've told you .. anyway I love Melbourne !), not as cold as in Sweden though ;).
Hopefully it's not raining so much tomorrow evening because I want to go out.
I don't have so much to say today :) here is an old picture !
Good night !
I'm fine, started the day with a trip to the gym and then back home to make some lunch. I decided to eat it outside in the sun so I could enjoy the sun for a while .. the forecast says that it's going to be rainy and cold the rest of this week and next week as well I think :( . Even in the middle of the summer it can be a bit cold here in Melbourne (which is the coldest city in Aus like I've told you .. anyway I love Melbourne !), not as cold as in Sweden though ;).
Hopefully it's not raining so much tomorrow evening because I want to go out.
I don't have so much to say today :) here is an old picture !
Good night !
Halloj !
Inte så mycket jobb för min del idag, bara en timme på morgonen och sen mellan halvfyra och typ fem :). Brukar ju jobba fram till tjejernas läggdax (8-9 nån gång) men imorse sa Scott att jag bara behövde jobba till klockan fem ! Dock tror jag att jag ska jobba på lördag kväll också eftersom att mina värdföräldrar ska på middag, men det gör inte så mycket. Har ju faktiskt inte jobbat någonting på helgerna sen jag kom hit :)
Har hunnit med en morgonpromenad idag och även en sväng till stan för att köpa en ny mascara. Ikväll ska jag möta upp Laura och hennes pojkvän Max, elr jag tror iallafall att det är hennes pojkvän :p. Vi ska in till stan och ta en fika eller något liknande =)
Var till frisören förra veckan .. Hej kort hår ! men jag trivs faktiskt i det :)
Puss på er där hemma :) Saknar er ! <3 Ingen som vill komma och besöka mej ? ;)
Inte så mycket jobb för min del idag, bara en timme på morgonen och sen mellan halvfyra och typ fem :). Brukar ju jobba fram till tjejernas läggdax (8-9 nån gång) men imorse sa Scott att jag bara behövde jobba till klockan fem ! Dock tror jag att jag ska jobba på lördag kväll också eftersom att mina värdföräldrar ska på middag, men det gör inte så mycket. Har ju faktiskt inte jobbat någonting på helgerna sen jag kom hit :)
Har hunnit med en morgonpromenad idag och även en sväng till stan för att köpa en ny mascara. Ikväll ska jag möta upp Laura och hennes pojkvän Max, elr jag tror iallafall att det är hennes pojkvän :p. Vi ska in till stan och ta en fika eller något liknande =)
Var till frisören förra veckan .. Hej kort hår ! men jag trivs faktiskt i det :)
Puss på er där hemma :) Saknar er ! <3 Ingen som vill komma och besöka mej ? ;)
Road trip to Great ocean road !
Now we're back from Great ocean road ! The time flew by too fast as usual and now I'm sitting here in my bed and hoping for the rain to stop ..
Well we had a great trip and the weather was nice and we saw the sunset at the twelve apostels :). Unfortunately we didn't see hips of koalas like I thought we would but anyway we saw one sitting in a tree but it had just his back turning toward us ;p
We were visiting a light house :) it was the first time for me !
My travel companions !
Finally we got there :) Great ocean road !
The nature was amazing !
There you can see the back of the koala :p
The photographer and the driver :D
The twelve apostels ! it was so many tourists there :p specially from China and India
My iphone camera works pretty well sometimes actually :)
Ching-chong pose såklart ;D
Well we had a great trip and the weather was nice and we saw the sunset at the twelve apostels :). Unfortunately we didn't see hips of koalas like I thought we would but anyway we saw one sitting in a tree but it had just his back turning toward us ;p
We were visiting a light house :) it was the first time for me !
My travel companions !
Finally we got there :) Great ocean road !
The nature was amazing !
There you can see the back of the koala :p
The photographer and the driver :D
The twelve apostels ! it was so many tourists there :p specially from China and India
My iphone camera works pretty well sometimes actually :)
Ching-chong pose såklart ;D
Greta ocean road !
I helgen åker jag, Marlene och Michael till Great ocean road ! =) Vi har bokat in oss på hostel så vi ska övernatta där.
Nu sitter jag och väntar på att Michael ska hämta upp mig men han är lite seg. Det är jättefint väder ute och jag vill komma iväg ! dock blir det nog att spendera ganska många timmar i bilen men det blir kul ändå :). Igår var vi ut eftersom att Hanna (en svensk au pair här) börjar sin jorden runt resa på söndag. Vi var till typ en backpackers bar och jag drack en cola och dansade lite. Jag och Marlene försökte också¨att komma på en "Melbourne dans" ;D , vi får nog utveckla den lite mer nästa gång vi är ut !
Nu är han här, hejdå ! <3
Nu sitter jag och väntar på att Michael ska hämta upp mig men han är lite seg. Det är jättefint väder ute och jag vill komma iväg ! dock blir det nog att spendera ganska många timmar i bilen men det blir kul ändå :). Igår var vi ut eftersom att Hanna (en svensk au pair här) börjar sin jorden runt resa på söndag. Vi var till typ en backpackers bar och jag drack en cola och dansade lite. Jag och Marlene försökte också¨att komma på en "Melbourne dans" ;D , vi får nog utveckla den lite mer nästa gång vi är ut !
Nu är han här, hejdå ! <3
It's the first of February today, It's hard for me to believe. In my brain it's still September and I suppose it will be like that for the rest of this trip :p
Tomorrow will Janet and Jordan start school again after their summerbreak so now I will go back to my regular schedule. Today we've been to the swimming pool again, last week we were there three times ! Well I'm not complaining, it's pretty fun to play in the water with the girls :) much funnier than just be here at home.
The first week of April are me, Ann (my hostmum) and the girls going to Gold coast :). I've been there before but I still looking forward to go there again. Actually the only thing I've seen there is Surfers paradise and the fun park so I would like to see some more ! Ann also said that I can go to Brisbane and visit my friends :) yey !
Now I will show you some more pictures from last weekend !
On sunday me and Neus took the train to a beach almost one hour away from the city. It was really hot and the beach was very nice, much better than I expected :)
Lovely =) .. Unfortunately both me and Neus had forgot sunscreen .. hehe, not so good when you're in Australia in the middle of the summer and it's around 30 degrees ;p. When we had been there for approximately ten minutes we felt that our skin wouldn't survive much longer so we asked a couple if we could have some sunscreen from them :p. Of course they said yes :) they even gave us the whole bottle !
In the afternoon we took the train back to the city to watch the Aus Open final at Federation square :) At nine o'clock I went back home because I was a bit tired after a whole day outside in the heat. It was nice to come back to my shower :)
Isa, Nick and Martin :)
Neus and moi ! See you in Brisbane =)
Take care ! /sandra
Tomorrow will Janet and Jordan start school again after their summerbreak so now I will go back to my regular schedule. Today we've been to the swimming pool again, last week we were there three times ! Well I'm not complaining, it's pretty fun to play in the water with the girls :) much funnier than just be here at home.
The first week of April are me, Ann (my hostmum) and the girls going to Gold coast :). I've been there before but I still looking forward to go there again. Actually the only thing I've seen there is Surfers paradise and the fun park so I would like to see some more ! Ann also said that I can go to Brisbane and visit my friends :) yey !
Now I will show you some more pictures from last weekend !
On sunday me and Neus took the train to a beach almost one hour away from the city. It was really hot and the beach was very nice, much better than I expected :)
Lovely =) .. Unfortunately both me and Neus had forgot sunscreen .. hehe, not so good when you're in Australia in the middle of the summer and it's around 30 degrees ;p. When we had been there for approximately ten minutes we felt that our skin wouldn't survive much longer so we asked a couple if we could have some sunscreen from them :p. Of course they said yes :) they even gave us the whole bottle !
In the afternoon we took the train back to the city to watch the Aus Open final at Federation square :) At nine o'clock I went back home because I was a bit tired after a whole day outside in the heat. It was nice to come back to my shower :)
Isa, Nick and Martin :)
Neus and moi ! See you in Brisbane =)
Take care ! /sandra