Yeah the world is small sometimes

Yesterday (friday) I worked one hour in the morning as usual and then I got the whole day off because the girls were going to make a movie or something at Ann's job after school. So in the afternoon I met up with my new au-par neighbour Elisa :) We took a walk to Camberwell to drink coffee and just chat.

In the evening we decided to go out so we catched up with Mia at Chapel street. We went to the place I've been to a couple of times before and we had a great night =) And long, hehe poor Mia who had to start work at twelve o'clock today ..

Me, Mia and Elisa :) thanks for the night girls !

This week I did some shopping. Shorts, skirt, scarf and a belt ! Saving money in Australia is not my kind of thing I guess ..

Today it's raining and raining and raining .. probably it will rain all day. But it doesn't matter that much because me and Marlene are going to have a "cozy evening" , Wiho, my first one in over six months ! I take care of Janet and Jordan this evening so maybe we will watch a movie or something and make a luxury dinner (some kind of "Flygande Jacob", my favourite :D I haven't eaten it for sooo long time). Marlene will sleep here as well I think :)

Now I'm going to take the biggest umbrella I can find and walk to the tram.
Cheers :) /sandra


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