Next: Cairns


The weekend is nearly over here. I'm tired so I will soon go to bed.

So what have happened these two days ? .. I've been with friends, some shopping in the city (a bag and a bikini so I'm ready for Cairns now !), car game on play station 3, eating candy ( hihi, I can't wait to eat swedish candy again ^^).

Usually I'm not going to the gym at the weekends but on saturday I didn't had something else to do plus that I had a lot of energy so I went there anyway.

A boring egopic is the only thing I have to offer

So tomorrow me, Elisa and Marie are going to Cairns :D. Excited for sure ! Hopefully the weather is warmer there, but it's Queensland so I'm sure it is =)
Melbourne and Victoria, see ya in a week !

Like I said, I'm tired now so the bed is waiting for me. It's cold in the house ...

Good night :) /sandra


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