More pictures from Cairns !!

We were lucky with the weather, just a little bit rain the first night :)

Time for the Great barrier reef !!Aussie buffé lunch =) yummi for my tummyfvMarie made a piercing ! Waiting for free pizza ;)I don't really know why, but it seems like french people like Cairns ! they were everywhere

Many taxi rides that week, but after half a year in Melbourne I start to get used of it :p

The time to say goodbye is getting closer .. AND also the reunion :)


It's to many feelings to deal with

Hey !

Thursday, my second last day at work !

So far this week it's been quite hard, I've been sad and feeling kind of lonely :(. BUT I'm in a better mood today. I put my alarm one hour earlier today and took a walk before I helped the girls get ready for school. A good start ! and it's also sunny today =)

After that I strolled around in the city.

No new clothes though

On thuesday I was to the gym in Camberwell for the last time cause my membership expired. I will miss is !

See you soon guys !! /sandra

My last week

Bonjour !!

Då är jag inne på min sista vecka här ,, kan inte fatta att det är sant.

Så imorgon är det min sista tisdag och sen sista onsdag o.s.v .. kä'nner redan nu att det kommer bli en tuff vecka. Säga hejdå är inte lätt.

I fredags hjälpte jag till att sälja morsdagpresenter på Janets och Jordans skola. Det var meningen att Scott skulle dit men han hade ett viktigt möte så jag fick hoppa in i stället. Men det var faktiskt kul :)

I lördags var jag hem till Louise där det var lite trevligt folk, mest svenskar men det gjorde inget :). Efteråt blev det utgång och jag var jättepeppad men när vi kom till Bridies så var det jätte trångt och det började också regna så jag blev trött och åkte hem tidigt istället ;). Hann t.o.m med  mitt sista tram så jag slapp betala för taxi :D.

Hmm har inte hänt så jätte mkt dom senaste dagarna. Jag var in till stan igår och köpte lite saker och det var typiskt Melbourne väder (sol ena sekunden och spöregn nästa ..). Svårt att klä sig i denna stad !

Två bilder från i lördags ..

Favoritutsikten :)

.. och två bilder från igår, som ni ser så är det höst här ! hmm kanske vinter till och med.

Nu ska jag hämta upp mina favorittjejer =)

Kram ! /sandra

Back from Cairns

Helluuu  :)

Roughly two days ago I came back to Melbourne. My time in Cairns was awesome, I'm so happy I did it. It was worth all money (it's not for free to travel ..).

In Cairns nobody could understand why I was going back to Melbourne. Everytime I said that I got an answer like "why ?? it will be freeeezing". Yeah I thought so to but it's actually been shorts weather for two days now. Sure it hasn't been 34 degrees like we had in Cairns but not freezing either :). But it's definitely autumn here in Mel now, yellow and red colors ! quite nice actually, it's beautiful (probably I will regret saying that soon when the cold weather is coming back, hehe).

So what did I do in Carins ? I will tell you.

Snorkeling and diving in the Great barrier reef (for my part, I liked the snorkeling better)
Water gymnastic at 7 am in the morning
Chilling at the wonderful lagoon in Cairns
Stayed in a really good hostel (very friendly staff and a cosy atmosphere)
Tried couch-surfing (which was a really good experience !)
Visit Dain tree and Cape Tribulation (eldest rain forest in the world if I remember it correct ;p)
Seen wild crocodiles
Had a less good experience the last two days when we were in Cape tribulation .. all people are not nice ..
Had two really good nights out 

There's a few things :)

I spent this week with my two awesome frensh friends Elisa and Marie. I envy them a little bit cuz they are travelling the east coast for one month now :p. I've met many nice people (except one ..) from all around the world and I now have many good memories I will carry with me all my life :)

Elisa in the lagoon :)

Me in the lagoon :p

I miss my neighbour here in Mel :(

Gabriella, Marie and Elisa

BBQ ! somehow we succeeded to grill a lizard, hehe I don't know how it got there

George (our kind couchsurf host :D) and Elisa !

On our way to Cape tribulation

Travel mates !

Crocodile tour

Bye bye George and Elisa .. Back to melbourne !

There was some picturesfrom my iphone, have more pictures from Elisas and Maries camera which I will show you later. This is enough for now.

So less than 2 weeks before my arrival in Sweden. My hostfamily wants me to stay longer though, thay're trying to persuade me :p. I can admit that it's rather tempting .. but no worries, I will come home :)

Hope you guys had a great week :) I guess it's quite nice in Sweden now ?? /sandra

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